Sunday, February 6, 2011

Yes I Still Have Children!

Some of you out there might be wondering whats going on with my kiddos?! I fully realize my blogging has taken a turn away from them lately and more towards me and my running journey. There are a few reasons for this.
 1. I am busy! 2 kids, training for a 5K, and keeping the house clean leaves little time for anything.
 2. Things are pretty boring these day. I know I am the worst Mom. I used to blog about Kylie's every movement back in the day. I am kinda over that stage. I do feel bad that I don't blog as much about Mason as I used to about Kylie, but as I said 2 kids keeps you busy so unfortunately those precious "first" moments get lost then forgotten.
 3. I need to take some time to focus on me and whats going on with me. My whole life other then this blog and 5K stuff is about the kids. Changing diapers, driving to and from school, nursing sickness, play dates and birthday parties. Don't forget the feeding, the bathing, the potty breaks and making sure everyone gets enough exercise. It's all about them, and I love it. But Mommy needs an outlet sometimes.
 4. I am excited about this 5K stuff. I am not very good at follow through when I set personal goals. I am pretty good at disappointing myself, but this time I am doing this! And I am excited to share with everyone. Plus posting my goals, and progress helps keep me motivated.

So I will try and post more about the kids  but you are going to have to deal with more Mommy posts!

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